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Here is a list of frequently asked qustions we get all the time. If you find yourself in the need of some answers, please look below. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please reach out to us.

  • How do I commision you?
    Message us with your caracter info and reference sheet. We will get back in contact with you shortly to help you with any question you might have. Keep your ref-sheet ready, and add any information regarding which tier of commission you want and anything important to the commision itself.
  • Where do I find plush prices?
    It's listed in the prices list, further down on the page.
  • Do i need to pay in full?
    No, but at least have 50% of your funds ready before purchase. We are here to help you find an option that suits both. And make sure you really, REALLY want what you are buying as we have a strict refund policy on made-to-order items.
  • Do you offer payment plans?
    Yes we do. Because we know fursuiting is expensive as heck, we try our best to cater to everyone's need. Tell us in the mail if you want a payment plan. We try to keep it on a four month schedule for partials and up to a year or until cleared queue for fullsuits. Making deposits may be a smart way to save for a suit as all your funds will be in a locked account until project is ready to ship to you! consider this a fur bank option^^
  • Do i need a design?
    It is best that you bring your own design, but it is not necessary. We do work with artistic liberty suits or premades which can be a good option if you just want to be a part of this fandom without all the hassle and dazzle of designing stuff. Hit us up with a drawing commision, and we can help you figure out a design together! yay!
  • What if i don't want to go through with a commision?
    Let us know immediatly! it's no good to sit there in silence. Howl at us so we can figure out a solution together. We do not work with refunds most of the time, but if you let us know in a decent time before we order your materials, we can work something out for you. In worst case you will be refunded up to 50 % of your total commision price if the project is started. This is becaue all out items are custom-ordered and we can't afford to lose our valuable time to wasted worktime. Be sure you know what you want before ordring. We cannot say this enough!
  • Do i need to be 18 yrs+?
    Yes. Because we know paypal and other payment methods require you to be 18 years of age, we too want to have everything on the safe side. That means to try to avoid problems that comes with minors ordering from us. Not everyone is like that, but we know there is just in general more problems with our younger audience. Most of the issue is regarding authority qustions and what the person is in control of legal wise(like for example: to sign off documents for shipping and such. There have been cases where minors have been known to spend money from accounts that didn't belong to them, or use false information for scamming reasons. We keep it tidy so you don't have to worry about it! We can however work with guardians and/or parents on behalf of the customers. Plase put us in contact with the correct person, and we can work something out. And yes, we will require a ID before purchase.
  • Will you work with any species?
    As long as they are not restricted or a closed species. The more we know, the better! Some artists might have a restricion on their designs, we aren't free to make anything you might want. But most of the time, this is not a problem.
  • what if i want to part with a costume made by you?
    Thank you for visiting this section of our site. If you own a costume by us, feel free to sell it. But make sure you let us know who the new owner is, as we love to see our creations in action! And be respectful of you maker. This is expensive luxury items and handmade crafts. So remember, the price of th costume itself should never exceed the original price you paid for it. This is so that you do not gain a profit from our artwork. Feel free to sell the rights to the design as you please and any additional items such as art and badges. We won't mddle with the worth of these.
  • Do you offer parts?
    Yup! we can make anything you want down to the smallest thing! Just shoot us a message.
  • What if i don't recieve a WIP right away?
    We work with many a-customers, just like you. Therefore wips and other updtates may come at a varying time span. It's unfortunate to have it like this, but it is so that we can work the most efficient. The time it takes to make something, puts a maker indesposable for a huge amount of time. But don't worry! your project is getting the love it deserves. If the contact ceases after 1 month, then do shoot us a message about it. Forgetfuness is a human thing. There is however a wip service in our service section, if you are a curious little pup.
  • I got an update about a project going into priority, what is this?"
    sometimes, we have a customer that really,really,really needs their stuff done in a certain time frame. That means your maker will be busy making that order ready for shipping. This means that other orders or other projects might be put on hold until further notice. You can find this information in our TOS section.
  • Can i publish the NSFW works?
    Yes! we love to see our stuff being shown off everywhere. you can tag us with the caption Patchwork_pug on Instagram. We can be tagged for NSFW commisions on twitter only. Please don't post nudity on other platforms that prohibit this as it can be talen down and or flagged. Talk to us about tagging NSFW artwork.
  • Can i resell the items made by you?
    Yes! it's your items and your art, however we do ask you be respectful and not sell for over what you bought it for. we do not appreciate people profiting severly off our work. we are always positive about buybacks if you see your projects no longer benefit you. If your items come with other art and or objects not made by us, feel free to charge what you want with this. Always reach out to your artist to ask if you are in doubt.
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